Well, well, well. You found my secret unlinked video page.
Hi. My name is Kyle Sparkman. Most know me for my music, but I also have a knack for creating videos that look great and get traction.
Before getting into videography, I worked as a freelance writer for 5 years. This is great news for you because, in addition to capturing beautiful footage, I know how to capture attention. If you need help telling your story (and getting people to pay attention to it) feel free to get in touch.
I’m particularly adept at one-man shoots for when you need a nimble individual to cover lighting, sound, and video. I also have strong ties to the filmmaking community in Philadelphia and can assemble the right team for whatever your project requires.
Check out some of my work below:
Loneliness - Music Video
I directed, filmed, and edited this music video for Philly duo Essie & Nap
#67 on Houston Chronicle’s Best Indie Music Videos of 2021 list
Truth Hertz - Docu-style
I was director of photography on a series of documentary-style shoots for an attorney leading a class action lawsuit again Hertz. More info on the whole debacle here.
The Waffle Review – Vlog-style
I produce vlog-style content as well! See above video about scrumptious waffles.
Long Distance Lover – Live
I produced and directed this live performance video
I also ran the social media marketing campaign for the video, which led to:
67,000 video likes and gain of 20,000+ followers for Essie & Nap’s Instagram page
Odd Times – Educational Content
I filmed, directed, and edited this one.
Need to teach someone something? Might as well make it entertaining. Here’s a complex music theory concept made fun & digestible.
HomeSick – Music Video
I put in some legwork as associate producer on this video. Don’t get me started on how fun it was to secure a fire permit in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.